Sponsorship Opportunities

With 1000s of members and locations all over the world

Sponsorship Opportunity

Display your brand
  • Advertise your NFT, Cryptocurrency, or company project on a Metasill display at CryptoMondays.  
  • Cryptomondays has two or more displays at each event prominently displayed next to the host speaker.
Premiere Sponsor for CryptoMondays
  • Branding and visibility online leading up to the event
  • Opportunity to have branding visibility on-site
  • Acknowledgement as sponsor during introduction and conclusion of the event
  • Recognition as sponsor on our social media platforms
  • Opportunity to speak on panel
Anchor Sponsor for CryptoMondays
  • Featured as Anchor Sponsor for four CryptoMondays 
  • In addition to the above items, you also receives access to:
    • Featured logo on our Meetup for the month
    • Featured sponsor in our newsletter
    • Ability to provide branding materials at every CryptoMondays for the month
    • Opportunity to co-host a fireside chat or panel at a CryptoMondays event
Interested in becoming a sponsor or a different package? Send an email to info@cryptomondays.io 

The Simple and Secure Crypto Wallet

Buy and trade crypto. Connect to NFT and Defi Dapps. ZenGo's security is unlike every other wallet: It's better. No more complex passwords or long phrases to store, browser extensions, or special hardware required. Your account is secured by private facial biometrics and industry-leading encryption to keep you safe from account takeover attacks and phishing. Discover total control and true peace of mind. 500,000+ customers trust ZenGo

Display your NFT to the Physical World

The MetaSill NFT Frame is dedicated to NFT display. We custom-designed a square frame for the most common NFT artworks, and with a high-quality durable display to offer the best visual experiences. Simply sign in with your wallet to bring your precious NFT artworks into the real world! Displaying your NFT Has Never Been This EasyRemote control the display through the MetaSill app to curate and manage artwork between all of your frames. Keep your art and environment new and fresh.