CryptoMondays is For Real Diversity & Inclusion

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Take a look at a recent news story about CryptoMondays from a female entrepreneur angle and note the diversity of people interviewed at a single event in New York in January 2022!

One of the best things about CryptoMondays NYC is that the community comes from all walks of life, in a sense mirroring the diversity of New York City itself. With CryptoMondays everyone is welcome, and this relates to not only a diversity of speakers and attendees – for example there have been more female and minority special guests at CryptoMondays NYC in the last year than your typical “white male” that dominates the industry (80% of crypto is owned by males) – but importantly at CryptoMondays we include a diversity of ideas, and are inclusive of people who have different perspectives and ways of being.

People that come to CryptoMondays, especially in cities like New York, Miami, and Los Angeles, will arrive and learn from both crypto and Web 3 experts as well as people with vast differences and unique personalities. There are many people in the blockchain space touting their diversity and aiming at some numerical measure of diversity, such as “we aim to have 20% female owners of our coin” or “our blockchain supports financial inclusion in Africa” whereas the core founders, investors, and people who benefit the most all look, talk, and act the same.

CryptoMondays is different. It is diverse from the core, and from the beginning of the CryptoMondays DAO all of our members have shown diversity in ethnic and racial background, income, professional focus, and perhaps most importantly, besides many minority and female entreprneurs both on the DAO team and in attendance – there are bitcoiners and ethereans, solana monkeys and cardano geeks, polkadots and avaxers – so come to CryptoMondays and feel what is happening in an effortlessly diverse blockchain community, i.e. real people.

By Josh Lange and Imani Jones

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